Kimberley Land Council Character illustrations Illustration: Aboriginal character illustration. The Kimberley Land Council were after a set of Aboriginal character illustrations that could be used in their Native Title Story project. Some illustrations just can’t be...
Danila Dilba Health Service Illustration Brand design: Covid-safe Aboriginal character illustrations The Danila Dilba Health Service were after a set of custom Aboriginal Covid safe icons that could be used for various projects. Some icons just can’t be found on stock...
Danila Dilba Health Service Character illustrations Brand design: Aboriginal character illustration. The Danila Dilba Health Service were after a set of Aboriginal character illustrations that could be used for various projects. Some illustrations just can’t be found...
Kimberley Land Council brand icons Brand design: digital icon design The Kimberley Land Council were after a set of 15 custom designed icons to represent common words and themes within their organisation. The final icons will be used across various digital and print...
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